Turkey e-Visa is Rejected

Most foreign citizens can apply online for a Turkey tourist visa, allowing a stay of up to 90 days based on nationality. Eligible applicants complete a simple online form with personal and passport details in around 10 minutes, receiving an approved Turkey e-Visa via email.

However, a Turkey e-Visa isn't always guaranteed, due to factors leading to application rejection. Common reasons include incorrect information, ineligibility, visa-exempt nationality, matching names with banned individuals, travel purpose mismatch, missing documents, insufficient passport validity, suspicion of overstaying, holding an active visa, and more.

Turkey e-Visa is Rejected

If your Turkey e-Visa is denied, you can reapply after 24 hours with accurate information, allowing up to 3 days for processing. If denied again, visiting an embassy or consulate for an in-person visa application might be necessary.

Common Reasons for a Turkey e-Visa Rejection

A significant portion of denied Turkey visa applications contain inaccurate or false information, even minor errors leading to the electronic visa's denial.

Ensuring correctness of all data entered on the Turkish eVisa application, matching traveller's passport details, is crucial before submission.

However, a Turkish e-Visa might face rejection for other reasons, including:

  • Ineligibility

Applicant's country of citizenship may not be eligible to apply for the Turkey e-Visa.

  • Visa Exemption

Applicant's nationality might be visa-exempt for Turkey, thus not requiring a visa.

  • Similar Names

Applicant's names could match an individual on Turkey's banned list.

  • Unauthorised Travel Purpose

Intended travel purposes might not align with e-Visas permitted uses—tourism, business, or transit.

  • Missing Documents

Incomplete submission of necessary documents or lack of additional required documentation.

  • Passport Validity

Passports may not meet minimum validity of 150 days from intended arrival, except for citizens of Portugal and Belgium who can apply with an expired passport.

  • Overstaying Suspicions

Suspicions of overstaying e-Visa validity, especially if prior work or residency in Turkey.

  • Existing Visa

Applicant holds a valid Turkish online visa not yet expired.

In numerous instances, Turkish authorities may not provide reasons for e-Visa rejections, necessitating contact with the nearest embassy or consulate for clarification.

What Should I Do if My Turkey e-Visa is Denied?

In case of a Turkey e-Visa rejection, applicants can reapply 24 hours later. When completing the new application, thorough verification of accurate information is vital to prevent another denial.

As most Turkish e-Visa approvals occur within 72 hours, allowing up to 3 days for processing the new application is advised.

If a subsequent e-Visa rejection occurs beyond this timeframe, incorrect information might not be the issue. Other refusal reasons could be responsible.

In such instances, visiting the nearest embassy or consulate becomes necessary for an in-person visa application submission.

Turkey e-Visa is Denied

Are the Visa fees refundable when the Turkish Visa gets rejected?

No, the visa fees for a Turkish visa are generally non-refundable even if the application is rejected. When you apply for a visa, the fee covers the processing and administrative costs associated with reviewing your application, regardless of the outcome. Even if your visa application is denied, the authorities still incur costs in reviewing and processing your application.

It's essential to carefully review the visa application requirements, provide accurate information, and ensure that you meet all the eligibility criteria before applying to avoid the risk of rejection. If your application is rejected, you may need to reapply and pay the fee again if you wish to pursue a visa for Turkey.

Best time to apply for a Turkish e-Visa to avoid rejection

Applying for a Turkish e-Visa demands strategic timing to enhance your chances of success and prevent potential rejection. While no method can guarantee absolute approval, adhering to the right schedule and adhering to specific guidelines can certainly improve your likelihood of obtaining the visa. 

Here's how you can tactically time your application to mitigate the risk of rejection:

To start, ensure you apply with ample time ahead of your intended travel dates. Avoid the temptation to procrastinate, as submitting your application well in advance allows for any unforeseen delays or complications that may arise during the processing phase.

Prior to submission, meticulously review your application form. Every detail should be accurate and in perfect alignment with your passport information. Maintaining consistency throughout the application is crucial to avoid discrepancies that might lead to rejection.

Have all the requisite documents ready before commencing the application process. This includes a valid passport with the required validity period, any supporting documents as stipulated, and a recent passport-sized photograph adhering to the specified guidelines.

It's advisable to steer clear of peak travel seasons or holiday periods when submitting your application. High application volumes during these periods could lead to processing delays. Opt for quieter periods to ensure a thorough review of your submission.

While Turkish e-Visa applications typically have a quick processing time, it's wise to apply well ahead of your travel plans to account for any unexpected hold-ups. Last-minute applications might face complications if issues arise with the application.

Select weekdays (Monday to Friday) over weekends when applying, as government offices and processing centres are more likely to operate at full capacity during these days, ensuring a timely review of your application.

Avoid rushing through the application process, which could result in errors or omissions. Take the time to accurately fill out the form, provide the necessary details, and review everything before submission.

Keep in mind the time zone difference between your location and Turkey. If you're in a different time zone, make sure to submit your application during the working hours of the Turkish authorities.

Regularly consult official government websites for updates, procedural changes, or new requirements. Staying well-informed will enable you to tailor your application to current regulations.

Remember that unforeseen factors can occasionally lead to rejection despite meticulous planning. If your e-Visa application is rejected, follow the outlined guidelines for reapplication. Ensure that any errors are rectified and the issues that caused the initial rejection are addressed. If needed, seek guidance from relevant authorities or a qualified visa consultancy to increase your chances of success.

Some FAQs About Turkish e-Visas:

If your Turkish e-Visa application is rejected, follow these steps for a resolution:

Step 1: Understand the Rejection Reason

Check the rejection email for the specific reason stated. Reasons could include incorrect information, eligibility issues, or other factors.

Step 2: Correct Mistakes

If the rejection is due to incorrect information, wait for 24 hours and reapply. Ensure all details are accurate before submitting the new application.

Step 3: Allow Processing Time

New applications are typically processed within 72 hours. Be patient and allow sufficient time for the approval process.

Step 4: Second Rejection

If the application is denied again, reasons beyond inaccurate information might be at play. Consider visiting the nearest embassy or consulate for assistance.

Step 5: In-person Application

For unresolved rejections, an in-person visa application at a Turkish embassy or consulate might be necessary. They can provide guidance and address specific issues.

Remember, thorough accuracy in your application and adherence to all requirements enhance the likelihood of a successful e-Visa application.


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