How To Travel In Turkey

Türkiye, also known as Turkey, offers a captivating blend of rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning landscapes. Navigating this vast country can be an adventure in itself. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to travel to Turkey efficiently and make the most of your journey.

Istanbul: The Gateway to History


Istanbul, a city straddling two continents, is a treasure trove of historical sites and modern amenities. While walking is a great way to explore, the city's vastness calls for efficient transportation options.


Taxis are readily available in major cities, including Istanbul. Beware of potential overcharging; some drivers target tourists. Familiarize yourself with basic local phrases and carry a map or GPS for added assurance.


Cities like Istanbul boast efficient light rail systems. Acquire an "Istanbulkart" for seamless access to public transport. These rail systems are a reliable way to traverse the city, ensuring you don't get lost in the labyrinthine streets.

Bike Ride

While urban cycling might be challenging due to traffic, rural areas and natural landscapes offer fantastic cycling opportunities. Consider exploring places like the Hittite Trail near Ankara on a bicycle to experience Turkey's natural beauty.

Buses and Dolmuş

City buses operate with prepaid tickets (tokens or smart cards). Inter-town services connect smaller locations to cities, while the unique "dolmuş" – a shared mini-bus – offers affordable and flexible transportation within set routes.

Car Rentals

For urban and intercity travel, renting a car is a convenient option. Turkish roads are well-maintained, making road trips an appealing way to explore. Rent a car locally or pre-book through companies like Rentalcars for a smoother experience.

Long-Distance Travel

Long-Distance Buses

Long-distance buses are a popular choice for extensive journeys between major cities. Equipped with amenities like air conditioning, onboard lavatories, and even Wi-Fi, these buses offer comfort during extended trips. Rest stops are included in the journey, making it a cost-effective option for exploring the country.


While not as prominent as buses, trains offer a unique travel experience. Make advance reservations and research reliable routes for a smooth journey. Note that train services might be limited, so proper planning is essential.

Navigating the Seas


Turkey's unique geographical location offers opportunities for sea travel. Ferries are a picturesque way to cross the Marmara Sea and explore coastal towns. Consider ferries between Istanbul and Yalova or journeying between Bodrum and Datca in the southwest.

Essential Tips for Traveling in Turkey

  • Visa Requirements: Ensure you meet all visa requirements before traveling to Turkey. Make arrangements well in advance to avoid any complications upon arrival.
  • Mobile Connectivity: EU free-roaming might not apply; consider getting a local SIM card for internet connectivity on your mobile devices.
  • Safety Concerns: While Turkey is generally safe, exercise caution near regions close to Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Stay updated on travel advisories.
  • Photography Etiquette: Avoid photographing military buildings or sensitive areas, as this is considered a legal offense in Turkey.
  • Plan Strategically: Given Turkey's size, focus on specific regions rather than attempting to cover the entire country in one trip. Allow yourself ample time to explore each area thoroughly.
  • Istanbul Exploration: Dedicate at least three days to explore Istanbul, a sprawling city with a wealth of historical and cultural attractions.

Embark on your Turkish adventure armed with these travel insights, and immerse yourself in the country's rich heritage, vibrant landscapes, and warm hospitality.

Accommodation Options

Turkey offers a wide range of hotels catering to different budgets. From luxurious resorts to boutique accommodations and budget-friendly hostels, you'll find suitable options in major cities and tourist destinations.

Accommodation Options





Various options ranging from luxury to budget

Comfort, amenities, and services

Cost may vary based on location and star rating


Traditional and cozy lodging options

Authentic experience, interaction with locals

Limited facilities compared to hotels

Airbnb Rentals

Private accommodations in local neighborhoods

Home-like environment, potential local insights

Availability might vary in certain regions


Budget-friendly shared accommodations

Social atmosphere, cost-effective

Shared facilities and lesser privacy


Luxurious accommodations with extensive facilities

All-inclusive packages, leisure amenities

Higher costs compared to other options

Boutique Hotels

Unique, smaller-scale hotels with distinct themes

Personalized experience, attention to detail

Prices may be higher than standard hotels

Farm Stays

Accommodations on working farms or rural areas

Authentic rural experience, local produce

Limited amenities compared to urban lodgings

Culinary Exploration

Turkish Cuisine: Indulge in the diverse and flavorful Turkish cuisine. Don't miss iconic dishes like kebabs, baklava, Turkish delight, and hearty breakfast spreads.

Street Food: Embrace the street food culture in Turkey. Try simit (sesame-coated bread rings), dürüm (wrap-style kebabs), and gözleme (stuffed flatbread) from local vendors.

Tea and Coffee Culture: Experience the art of Turkish tea (çay) and strong coffee (türk kahvesi) while engaging in conversations at charming cafes.

Cultural Etiquette

Cultural Etiquette

When visiting mosques, religious sites, or conservative areas, dress modestly. Women should have a scarf to cover their heads when entering mosques.

Cultural Etiquette


Dress Modestly

When visiting mosques, religious sites, or conservative areas, dress modestly. Women should cover their heads with a scarf in mosques.

Shoe Removal

It's customary to remove shoes before entering someone's home, as well as in mosques and traditional establishments.

Greeting Customs

Use a handshake followed by placing your right hand over your heart. Address older individuals with respect using their title followed by their first name.

Language Respect

Learn a few basic Turkish phrases to show respect and engage with locals. Use polite language and gestures.

Photography Etiquette

Avoid photographing military buildings or sensitive areas, as it's considered a legal offense. Always ask for permission before taking photos of people.

Cultural Sensitivity

Respect local customs and traditions. Be mindful of local norms and act modestly, especially in rural areas.

Tipping Practices

Tipping is customary in restaurants and for services. A 10-15% tip is appreciated if service charge is not included.

Table Manners

Wait for the host to start eating before you begin. It's polite to finish everything on your plate.

Polite Refusals

If offered food or drink, it's acceptable to politely decline if you're not interested.

Gift Giving

If invited to someone's home, it's customary to bring a small gift like sweets or flowers.

Public Displays of Affection

Public displays of affection should be modest and respectful, especially in conservative areas.

Respect for Elders

Show respect for elders by addressing them with their title followed by their first name.

Bargaining Etiquette

Haggling is common in markets, but do so respectfully and with a smile.

Religious Considerations

When visiting mosques, follow rules such as covering your head and removing your shoes.

Social Courtesies

Engage in friendly conversations and be open to cultural exchanges.

Language and Communication

Basic Phrases: Learning a few basic Turkish phrases will enhance your travel experience. Simple greetings and expressions will be appreciated by locals.

Translation Apps: Utilize translation apps to bridge language barriers. Some apps even allow you to take pictures of signs or menus and get instant translations.

Cultural Sensitivity: Politeness and patience go a long way in communication. Even if you don't speak Turkish fluently, a friendly attitude can create positive interactions.

Currency and Payments

Turkish Lira: The official currency is the Turkish Lira (TRY). It's recommended to have some local currency for small purchases and in regions where card payments might not be widely accepted.

ATMs and Cards: ATMs are easily accessible in cities and tourist areas. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted, but it's advisable to carry some cash for remote areas.

Health and Safety

Travel Insurance: Prioritize travel insurance to cover medical expenses and unforeseen situations. Check if your insurance provides coverage in Turkey.

Health Precautions: Stay hydrated, especially during hot summers. Be cautious with street food and tap water. It's advisable to consult a travel clinic for any recommended vaccinations.

Emergency Services: Familiarize yourself with local emergency numbers and the location of the nearest embassy or consulate.

Souvenirs and Shopping

Grand Bazaar: Istanbul's Grand Bazaar is a renowned destination for traditional crafts, carpets, spices, and unique souvenirs. Remember to haggle while shopping here.

Local Markets: Explore local markets in various cities for authentic products, such as textiles, ceramics, and handcrafted items.

Authenticity: Seek out locally made products and support artisans, ensuring you take home genuinely Turkish souvenirs.

Seasonal Considerations

Climate Variations: Turkey experiences diverse climates, from the Mediterranean coast to the Anatolian Plateau. Research the weather of your intended destinations and pack accordingly.

Tourist Seasons: High tourist seasons are during spring and autumn when the weather is pleasant. However, visiting during the shoulder seasons or winter can offer fewer crowds and unique experiences.

Responsible Travel

Respect for Heritage Sites: When visiting historical sites and ruins, follow guidelines for responsible tourism. Avoid touching or leaning on delicate structures to preserve their integrity.

Environmental Consciousness: Contribute to environmental conservation by minimizing waste, using reusable items, and respecting nature while exploring natural sites.

Cultural Sensitivity: Respect local customs and traditions. Ask for permission before photographing individuals, especially in rural areas.

By considering these additional aspects of traveling in Turkey, you'll be better prepared to navigate the country's cultural nuances, enjoy its culinary delights, and create lasting memories.


  1. Do I need a visa to visit Turkey?

Yes, most visitors to Turkey need a visa. Check with your local Turkish consulate or embassy for the specific visa requirements based on your nationality.

  1. What's the best time to visit Turkey?

Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) are considered the best times to visit Turkey due to the pleasant weather and fewer crowds. Summers can be hot, especially in coastal areas.

  1. Is it safe to travel in Turkey?

Generally, Turkey is a safe country for travelers. However, it's advisable to avoid areas near borders with Iran, Iraq, and Syria due to potential security concerns.

  1. What's the local currency, and can I use credit cards?

The local currency is the Turkish Lira (TRY). Credit and debit cards are widely accepted in urban areas and major tourist destinations. It's recommended to carry some cash for rural areas and small purchases.

  1. Can I drink tap water in Turkey?

While tap water is usually treated and safe to drink in most urban areas, it's recommended to stick to bottled water, especially in more remote locations.

  1. What's the transportation system like in Turkey?

Turkey offers various transportation options, including buses, dolmuş (shared minibusses), trains, ferries, and car rentals. Major cities have public transportation systems like subways and trams.

  1. Is it necessary to know Turkish language?

While many Turks working in the tourism industry speak English, knowing a few basic Turkish phrases can enhance your travel experience and interactions with locals.

  1. What's the tipping etiquette in Turkey?

Tipping is common in restaurants and for services like taxis and hotel staff. A 10-15% tip is appreciated in restaurants if service charge isn't included.

  1. Can I use my mobile phone in Turkey?

EU free-roaming might not apply in Turkey. Consider getting a local SIM card or checking with your mobile provider for international roaming plans.

  1. What are some must-visit places in Turkey?

Apart from Istanbul, don't miss Cappadocia's unique landscapes, the ancient ruins of Ephesus, Pamukkale's thermal springs, and the stunning beaches of Antalya.

  1. Can I take photographs in Turkey?

While photography is generally allowed, avoid taking photos of or near military installations or personnel. Always ask for permission before photographing individuals, especially in rural areas.

  1. Do I need to haggle while shopping in Turkey?

Haggling is common, especially in markets like the Grand Bazaar. It's part of the shopping experience, so feel free to negotiate for a better price.

  1. Are there any cultural norms I should be aware of?

Dress modestly when visiting religious sites or conservative areas. Remove your shoes when entering homes, mosques, and some traditional establishments. Greet people with respect.

  1. Is it customary to tip in restaurants?

Yes, tipping is customary in restaurants. A 10-15% tip is appreciated if service charge is not included in the bill.

  1. What should I do in case of an emergency?

Familiarize yourself with local emergency numbers and the location of the nearest embassy or consulate. Having travel insurance is crucial for emergencies.

Obtain Your eVisa for Turkey

  • Step1: Complete the online application form by providing your passport details.

  • Step2: Safely process your payment using your credit card through our secure online platform.

  • Step3: Monitor your email for payment verification and the electronic dispatch of your eVisa.

Apply Online


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